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Christian Workout Body Gospel

March 15, 2013

Have you been searching for an effective Christian workout? Well search no more!!  Beachbody has over delivered with the Christian workout, “Body Gospel.” This christian workout program is led by Fitness Hall of Famer,  Donna Richardson Joyner.  These workouts tie right into christian beliefs with powerful, upbeat gospel music. The program comes with 6 videos anyone can workout to and see awesome results.

Program Info

Body Revival
(34 mins)
A cardio workout that blast some major calories gives you the energy needed all day for your busy church and home schedules.

Power & Praise
Resistance bands will help add muscle to the body while burning fat. Stretch in the Spirit: Flexibility is a key part of being physically fit. This will allow you to become more limber and also ease stress.

Core Revelation
Summer is officially here and who doesn’t want to go to the beach and show off nice flat abs. Gospel Glory: Advanced cardio workout focusing on slimming your hips thighs and belly.

Strength & Spirit
Combination of cardio and strength training. 2 for 1.

Included with the videos are: a Total Transformation 30day guide, Feed Your Body, Feed Your Soul Nutrition Guide, Body Gospel Training Cards, Body Gospel Bands, 24/7 Body Gospel Online Access, plus 3 bonus gifts.

Now is the perfect time to get your body as well as your mind in tuned for what God has planned for you. I will leave you with a bible verse.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

How can I be a good Christian husband if I am not attracted to my overweight wife?

March 27, 2013

Please read this question from a Christian man…

How can I be a good Christian husband if I am not attracted to my overweight wife?
Let me clarify some things, so people understand what exactly I am asking. I am 30, my wife is 28 (we have been married for 10 years) I love my wife and I married her for reasons beyond physical attraction. I am not contemplating divorce or sex outside our marriage. My wife and I have sex maybe 1 or 2 times a month, sometimes once every couple months. The more weight she gains the less I am attracted to her and the less I approach her for sex. She has gained about 50-60lbs since we have been married.I have made it clear to her that I am not attracted to big/thick/overweight women. I still love her and am willing to “stick it out” with her until death do us part; I am content with what God has given me.

The problem is not with me because as I said, I am content. The problem is that my wife is unhappy because my shows of affection have basically disappeared. She is a Christian woman, but apparently this is not her view of a healthy marriage. She is not content with my affection toward her or lack there of, or our sex life. I have bought her many Christian books to bring her closer to God and hopefully expose the gluttony that she is a slave to. She has tried countless diets and work out programs, but she is just not consistent. She will lose maybe 10lbs and then gain it back. I care about her feelings and want her to still feel loved, so sometimes I force affection, but she sees through it.

I guess I am not good at showing affection if the emotion isn’t behind it. I have told her that if she thinks we don’t have enough sex, she could always approach me for sex and I would never turn her down as I would never want her to turn me down if I really wanted it. She doesn’t see that as a legitimate option. She believes a man at my age should be craving sex frequently (probably a few times a week at least). That is probably reasonable, but I purposely suppressed my sexual appetite by focusing on God to avoid pornography and worse infidelity. She has suggested that I workout with her to motivate her, but I work 5 days a week at odd night/graveyard type hours, I am trying to write a book and go back to school. At some point doesn’t she need to take responsibility for her own body,happiness, and contentment or am I not doing enough as a husband? Is it unreasonable for me to ask my wife to approach me for sex if she wants it and I am not showing any intention of initiating? Any help would be appreciated.

Yoga for Christians

March 25, 2013
51txaZsOiRL. SL160  Yoga for Christians
A Christ-Centered Approach to Physical and Spiritual Health through Yoga.
Price: $19.99

Product Features:

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Product Description

When God gave Susan Bordenkircher the vision for her yoga-based Christian ministry, Outstretched in Worship, she truly believed she was stepping into uncharted territory. And while God has used her ministry as a pioneer of sorts in this movement, she was amazed to see the level of interest and involvement that already existed. She quickly learned that there are approximately 15 million people in this country practicing yoga, and fully 50-60 percent of them say they come from a church background. In fact, many churches, Christian retreats, and denominational conventions are incorporating yoga as one creative approach to cultivating a quiet, receptive spirit and deep prayer life.

After producing several top-selling Christ-centered yoga instructional videos, Susan now brings her unique form of exercise, stretching, and prayerful praise to a market eager for yoga that is centered around Christ and not eastern forms of meditation. She has even included a full-length instructional workout DVD for readers to follow along with!


Yoga for Christians

Christian Workout Hits – Hits (2013) 12 Top Christian Workout Songs

March 23, 2013
51j5V8UOtHL. SL160  Christian Workout Hits   Hits (2013) 12 Top Christian Workout Songs

Uplifting tunes for your workout.

Song Title     
1. Need You Now (How Many Times) [Workout Mix + 135 BPM]
2. Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) [Workout Mix + 130 BPM]
3. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) [Workout Mix + 128 BPM]
4. Jesus in Disguise (Workout Mix + 128 BPM)
5. I Need a Miracle (Workout Mix + 128 BPM)
6. Forgiveness (Workout Mix + 128 BPM)
7. Me Without You (Workout Mix + 130 BPM)
8. I Lift My Hands (Workout Mix + 136 BPM)
9. Hope Will Lead Us On (Workout Mix + 130 BPM)
10. I Am Free (2013 Workout Remix + 140 BPM)
11. Something Beautiful (2013 Workout Remix + 140 BPM)
12. I Refuse (2013 Workout Remix + 138 BPM)