Christian Workout Body Gospel

March 15, 2013

Have you been searching for an effective Christian workout? Well search no more!!  Beachbody has over delivered with the Christian workout, “Body Gospel.” This christian workout program is led by Fitness Hall of Famer,  Donna Richardson Joyner.  These workouts tie right into christian beliefs with powerful, upbeat gospel music. The program comes with 6 videos anyone can workout to and see awesome results.

Program Info

Body Revival
(34 mins)
A cardio workout that blast some major calories gives you the energy needed all day for your busy church and home schedules.

Power & Praise
Resistance bands will help add muscle to the body while burning fat. Stretch in the Spirit: Flexibility is a key part of being physically fit. This will allow you to become more limber and also ease stress.

Core Revelation
Summer is officially here and who doesn’t want to go to the beach and show off nice flat abs. Gospel Glory: Advanced cardio workout focusing on slimming your hips thighs and belly.

Strength & Spirit
Combination of cardio and strength training. 2 for 1.

Included with the videos are: a Total Transformation 30day guide, Feed Your Body, Feed Your Soul Nutrition Guide, Body Gospel Training Cards, Body Gospel Bands, 24/7 Body Gospel Online Access, plus 3 bonus gifts.

Now is the perfect time to get your body as well as your mind in tuned for what God has planned for you. I will leave you with a bible verse.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

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3 Responses to Christian Workout Body Gospel

  1. Body Gospel
    January 26, 2011 at 5:34 pm


    My name is Pattie Boatman and first I want to start off by saying THANK YOU, for all you done for me. I finally found a workout that I love and enjoy wakeing up each morning and going down stairs and getting my praise and workout on. This workout lifts my spirit and get me stepping in the right direction. I am a diabetic and I have been trying to loss weight for the last several years with no success, I loss some and gain it right back. With Body Gospel I started shedding the pounds and I’m on a roll. My husband and children says they can see the pounds coming off.(that makes me feel good) I have tried so many workout out program, but this one I can’t wait to get up and get my workout on. And the music is awsome and sometime I get off into the music and look back at the TV and have to catch back up. Thank you Thank you Thank you….To God be the glory and I thank GOD for you, you have changed my life and my health….My blood glucose is a lot better now…LOVE YOU

  2. computer running slow
    February 2, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    Christian Workout | Body Gospel | Christian Workout: Great post, this is one of my favourite topics and obsessive about. LOL. I love keeping up to date on everything new so I will be bookmarking this website. Continue the amazing work!

  3. Vaughn Demming
    October 5, 2012 at 9:39 am

    Love your blog!

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