iFit Gourmet Indoor Cycling: Target Heart Rate Training

September 14, 2010
51INc5VGhyL. SL160  iFit Gourmet Indoor Cycling: Target Heart Rate Training
Ratings: 3.5 from total of 4 ratings.
Price: $19.99

Product Info

Kristina Evans of iFit Gourmet’s  guides you on an indoor cycling program created to use your target heart rate to monitor your exercise program.  She uses the popular “Target Heart Rate Training”  because it help boost muscle strength while decreasing fat.

The latest indie music is used throughout the workout. Artists include:  Brian & Jenn Johnson, Steven Harriton, Paul Cummings,  Sonia V., and Zamar. These modern Christian artists music is perfect for helping you reach your health and fitness goals.

Kristina Evans is known from iFit Gourmet and an aerobics and indoor cycling instructor.  She has 17 years  of experience in the fitness industry.


iFit Gourmet Indoor Cycling: Target Heart Rate Training

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5 Responses to iFit Gourmet Indoor Cycling: Target Heart Rate Training

  1. C. Broadbent
    September 14, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    This video is suitable for someone just looking for a light workout.

    I have a number of spin videos which I use at home with my spinner, and fit my mood and inclination to the type of video. I would say the music quality on these videos is a cut above the others, although it isn’t really spin music — the type that motivates you to push harder. Ms. Evans is remarkably low-key as a spin “instructor” and comes across as sincere but out of her element. I know something about target heart rate training for spinning, but it takes some imagination to consider heart rate even relevant to this video — there is no discussion of max heart rate and the method to compute, no obvious rationale for the very occasional references to heart rate. She ignores any stretching for anything below the arms, but perhaps with this low-key activity level you don’t really need it.

    The principal recommendation here is the music quality, but if this is the kind of music you want to spin to, just buy the music and skip the spin video. You can do better motivating yourself if you have any experience.

    • cycling videos
      October 29, 2011 at 10:58 pm

      Review by Lucy the Bargain Hunter for PowerSculpt For Women: The Complete Body Sculpting & Weight Training Workout Using the Exercise Ball (Includes Bonus DVD)
      This book contains a large variety of innovative and effective weights-on-the-ball exercises, some that I have not seen elsewhere. This is a great book in every way, except…. my only complaint is that the 4 routines at the back of the book list the exercises by name, but do not give a thumb-nail picture to remind you of what it is, nor is a page number given. This is a real drawback, in my opinion, because who wants to search through the book to find the exercises while you are working out? That is why I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5. The book Weights on the Ball Workbook, by Steven Stiefel, gives very nice concise routines with little pictures and the page number, which makes working out according to the recommended routines stress-free (no flipping through the book in search of the exercise). I own both books and like them both. Weights on the Ball Workbook wins on the routine layout, and Powersculpt has a wider variety of exercises to relieve boredom. If you can afford it, get both books.

  2. Jessica
    September 14, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    I think a great spinning workout should consist of a variety of movements. If you’ve ever been to a high energy spin class, then that’s how I prefer to workout. Target Heart Rate Training fails to be inspiring and fun. I rode 20 minutes into the workout before I realized an overwhelming majority of the workout only consisted of flat roads. About 5 minutes towards to end, you do a short standing climb. That’s if you can defeat boredom to the end.

    Also, the music is Christian pop rock. It’s tolerable. However, the music levels are way too high. You can barely hear the instructor talk.

    Overall, I wouldn’t recommend buying the DVD unless you can try it beforehand. I was lucky enough to buy the downloadable version for a fraction of the cost although I’m still out of $4.99.

  3. Terri R.
    September 14, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    This is a fantastic workout. I’ve done a lot of cycling workouts in the gym, and this is one of the best routines. It is challenging, but I improve each time I do it. Ms. Evans’ form ques and encouragement are timed just right for the workout. I purchased the audio version from her web site before it was available on Amazon. I look forward to more workouts.

  4. R. Leanne Windmiller
    September 14, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    Great workout. I really enjoy the music. It’s motivating, modern music and not the disco-like stuff that plagues many exercise videos. The instructor
    does a great job of pushing you through jumps and out-of-the-saddle climbing. I found the DVD worth the money!

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